I Love Meeting New Friends!

I heard someone once say they never met a stranger, they only met new friends. It is a beautiful statement! Getting to travel and go to new places I love the concept of meeting new friends. The adventure and thrill of meeting new people and making connections, then incorporating photography with it, is one of my most favorite things to do!

I recently went to Tulum Mexico and decided to take advantage of some free time and went to visit the Tulum Mayan Ruins. While there I had the fun opportunity to meet and hear the adventurous stories of new friends. This is one of my own definitions of adventure photography!

This couple wasn’t to sure about having their faces seen in the pictures but loved the result of what we got. They didn’t have a lot of time to talk but talking with them did give me a chance to practice my Spanish!

This super fun couple was on their first date! They have been friends with each other for a couple of years and decided to go on a spontaneous trip to see if there was anything romantic possible. There were visiting all the way from Germany (talk about going on an adventure!) and were so much fun to talk to!

This gentleman from Japan was there on a personal mission. It was his grandfather’s wish that they would travel all over the world together especially seeing the Mayan Ruins. He sadly lost his grandfather just recently but still wanted to make this adventure in his honor.

This family was extremely sweet, and were visiting all the way from Holland. They were very surprised that I was walking around taking pictures of people that I did not know but that’s just part of what makes it adventure photography.

Sadly I did not get to learn very much about these couples but they were very gracious and gave me the chance to speak more Spanish which is something that I enjoy.

This fun couple from Texas was there to take a pre wedding trip! They are now happily married and are continuing to have adventures all over the world!

This couple have been dating for a while, and have started to talk about marriage. It was fun running into them and learning about their loves story. He is actually from California and she is from Mexico and they visit each other often and continue to grow closer and closer. As I started to walk away, they requested some photos on the other side of the temple.

I wish them the best of luck as they continue their own adventures and plans for the future!

These two sisters were the last new friends that I got to meet at the ruins. They were very fun and sweet, and very excited for the chance to take photos together!

Adventures are what you make it, I loved this adventure and look forward to the next one that I go on!

June 21, 2022

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